Normal Distribution

Statistical Software Lab

Rguroo, Useful Links

Rguroo is a cloud-based point-and-click web-application statistical software. It facilitates the teaching of statistical concepts and helps students learn by providing them with easy-to-use Rguroo toolboxes that save time in calculations, graphics, and statistical analyses. Rguroo does not require any download or installation; all you need is Internet and a web-browser. For more information, please see

Jamovi, Useful Links

Jamovi is free and open source software for conducting statistical analysis. It is built on the programming language R, and allows for a variety of statistical analyses. For more information, please see

Python, Useful Links

Python is one of the leading softwares for data Science. These labs have been put together by Dr. Vural Aksakalli and Imran Ture.

SAS, Useful Links

SAS is an integrated software suite for advanced analytics, business intelligence, data management, and predictive analytics. The SAS University Edition provides free access to SAS statistical software, and includes a user-friendly interface that you can use to write and run SAS code through your web browser.

Stata, Useful Links

Stata versions of the OpenIntro labs have been developed by Jenna Krall.