OpenIntro: Statistics

July 17th, 2010

OpenIntro: Statistics (preliminary version) was released at the start of July. We are pleased with many accomplishments in this release:

  • The text quality is very high thanks in large part to proof-reading by many project contributors (Fellows).
  • We maintained a very ambitious schedule. (Our final release was just one day past due.)
  • A significant collection of problems was released within the textbook.
  • Last, but not least, the book will soon be released in paperback form for under 7 dollars.

Regarding the paperback release, we have decided to release versions of the textbook through Amazon's self-publishing group, CreateSpace. PDFs will remain available online and free to anyone. If demand for the paperback is substantial, we intend to buy coffee all-around for the OpenIntro team (we profit $0.05 per book we sell through Amazon). We will update again when the book is formally posted on Amazon's site and provide a link. The book will be eligible for Free Super Saver Shipping.

We hope you enjoy OpenIntro: Statistics, and we look forward to comments and advice as we begin our next 12 month drive.

(For those of you who had already obtained a release of the textbook PDF, we have recently — as in right now — updated the text to include a modified version of Chapter 1, an index, and additional front material.)