Ensuring every student has access
"65% of students have opted out of buying a college textbook due to its high price", and 94% of those students know they suffer academically from that decision. [Ref 1, Ref 2]
When using an OpenIntro textbook, every student has immediate, perpetual, and free access to the PDF, and each book is also affordable in print.

Teachers rest easy with OpenIntro textbooks. Each book has been successfully used at a wide range of schools. OpenIntro is also financially sustainable, with print book sales making it financially possible to expand the number of textbooks we support. Lastly, being a nonprofit, we're 100% focused on what's best for students and teachers, not on maximizing profits for shareholders.

Teacher Access
Teachers who become verified can request desk copies, gain access to solutions for statistics textbooks, review sample exams, and more.
Teacher Registration